Sunday, June 30, 2013

Getting In Trouble Is Lame

When I was little, I could be the troublemaker....some of the reasons I got in trouble are just plain ridiculous!

One of my old P.E. teachers in elementary school made us sit criss-cross applesauce, and we had to sit up straight and not lean on our hands. Which is ridiculous. So I was leaning on my hands one time and at that moment I remembered we weren't supposed to, so I quickly put my hands back in my lap. Coincidentally, at the same time, somebody clapped, and the P.E. teacher was like "WHO CLAPPED?!" and she thought it was me because the person clapped at the same time I put my hands back. I said it wasn't me, and this one girl told her it WAS me, so after class I told her that if she didn't tell on me anymore I would be her friend. She accepted. Hee hee and now we're still friends.

And there's the time I got detention for the first time (DUN DUN DUUUUN).

So in the middle school I went to, the intercom lady was able to speak to only one classroom at a time. She called into my woodshop teacher's room, and he was working with another kid, so I answer for him and it was fun haha. He said I deserved a detention which rained on my parade. Detention wasn't bad, you just had to sit a room with the other detention kids and do nothing or whatever for 10 minutes, and you couldn't go to lunch until then, and then you had to eat with only the other detention kids. I still think that punishment was stupid.

If any of you guys have gotten in trouble, I so want to hear the stories, especially if they're hilarious :D


  1. I've never gotten detention, but one time when I was 4 I drew a big swirly thing on the wall in black crayon, and my mom said "Did you do this?!" and I said, "No, my brother did!" but she saw right through that lie.

    1. Hehehehe we didn't draw on the walls but we wiped stuff on them. :P

  2. I got in trouble when we went to the zoo and I didn't want to risk getting hit by the train. There were kids in front of me and THEY didn't get in trouble.

    -papad91278, the 4th news crew member, PARDON ME FOR NOT WANTING TO GET HIT BY A TRAIN!

    1. P.S. We don't have detention in our school.

      ~papad91278, the 4th news crew member, but someone who went to public school said that I couldn't survive a day in public school. She's probably right.

    2. I got in trouble for doing my homework in ELA... ok so I was really busy that day so I was like why not just do it while my teacher is doing a really boring speech? So I started and I was on my last question and she goes... What are you doing? I didn't say anything and then she was like what page is that? I was like I don't know... And then she said is that homework and I said no but then I had to admit it and was almost going to give me detention. Also one time I didn't log off a laptop and she almost gave me detention. :T LOL - lolttylomg

  3. I got in trouble for forgetting my Expo Marker. I had to go across the whole school to make sure someone was in the Nurse's office even though my teacher could have just called the office (which is right next the nurses office) and made sure the kid was in there. So I was rushed, and my meanie-head teacher wrote me down for the first time in a year for forgetting an Expo Marker >:O


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Sit back with chocolate or bacon and type your comment below. :D

~Feelers the Llama