Saturday, August 31, 2013

Hair Fun :)

As a kick-off to the hair fashion page, I decided to post the first style here!

This is from the Freckled Fox, a very awesome website :)

I love the way it looks in her hair. A bit harder for me because my hair is very thick and not super long, but I keep trying at it!

I enjoy this hairstyle, just a bun I do when my hair gets in my face.

I hope you gals enjoy it! If you want any hair tutorials posted here, just ask!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

New Stuff On Yer Way!

Hellooooo fellow readers!

Just wanted to show a heads up for some new possible pages....

Nail Designs
Hair Styles (If you even SAY Harry Styles I will punch you)
Collections of Some kind of thing

I just need to know what collections-of-some-kind-of-thing you guys want.

Just a notice.

Good day to you!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Please Do Yourself a Favor

It's wacky time Wednesday everyone!

Please go to

Enjoy wack Wednesday everyone! :D

Wednesday, August 7, 2013


So just to have a little something that you guys and gals might want so it's funner (yes funner) to come back to this blog, I was thinking of adding some different pages. Like different nail designs that I enjoy for a page.

Since I'm not a guy, what kinds of guy things would guys like looking at? Motorcycles? Ab workouts? 

I don't know, make suggestions!

Friday, August 2, 2013

I love the beach :D

You guys have all been to the beach, right? 

Unless you live somewhere in the middle of your country where you can't get to the beach as much as you would like to.

But where I live, it takes about 2 hours and 30 minutes to get there. It's not always the nicest there.

It was sprinkling a little bit, and it was cloudy all day, but it soon stopped sprinkling, and it wasn't windy or cold! :D

I'm not a relaxer (yet) when I go to the beach, so I like going to the water and staying there and getting cold from it. It's fun.

But what always seems to get me out of the water for good on the beach trip is when I see jellyfish come onto shore and then go back. *shudder* I ran out when I saw it. We were leaving anyway.

Yeah, we all felt fat when we left because we ate a bunch of snacks that we brought along.

We also went across the 4 mile bridge to Washington to go to Long Beach. We didn't do much there, just look around at the shops and walk on the boardwalk. 

So overall, it wasn't as great as our usual beach trips are, but still.

It was fun.

What are your beach trips like?